Hello She Talks Movement Family! My name is Khadi ‘KD’ Oladi and I am so excited to bring you my first contributing blog to STM! I am from the DMV and have a background in psychology. Currently, I am in the process of healing and making my way to finding my purpose. I decided to be a contributor for STM simply because I believe in the brand. I believe that this platform is for women like me, who love to share their story.
I know that sharing my story is a part of my purpose and I was in the phase of exploration and building my stepping stones to it. I began my own personal blog, Kickin’ It with KD, and I am finding ways to creatively help others.
When moving or learning to live in your purpose, there are inevitable things that you will have to go through. I had to go through unlearning all things that I knew before then exploring what my gifts are and how they mend together for the goal to serve others.
Now, I am now making my way to the healing stage. The ideas, beliefs, and experiences that hindered me before, I explain that I am “getting the gunk out”. Re-fertilizing my soil. As I am going through this pre-healing phase, I wanted to give you some mindful words before you heal.
Before you heal, ask yourself the hard questions. Those questions that you know that if you were to even speak it aloud, it would cause you to ponder for a minimum of 5 minutes. It may not be comfortable but who says that healing was? When you heal, you are answering those questions and using the discernment to change your mindset and routines. Honestly, I am writing this as advice to myself.
Don’t be afraid to face those things that have hurt you because they are always there. They will not go anywhere until you approach them. Don’t make getting the gunk out this solder fest. Make it fun, think of it as spring cleaning for your mindset. It will take some time to adjust and get used to. However, you know that you want something new and that old things cannot grow in new spaces.
During my pre-healing phase, I talked to God and went into hibernation mode. He really wanted me to observe and to be silent, which I am still doing right now. Communication is a resource for my purpose. Based on the conversations with God, I need to understand more and speak less when it comes to certain things.
Make sure that you gather all your tools and your weapons because healing does not have a timeline, nor does it hold back any punches when certain things resurface. Equip yourself with positive friendships, information that will boost your confidence, information that will help with conflict resolution, or whatever else that you want to improve on in your life.
I hope that this was a nice read for you and a good encouraging word. I want my first post to be grandiose but as always, I just allowed my spirit to write the post.
Hugs and Kisses xo,
Khadi Oladi