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Writer's picture: Maia St. AudeMaia St. Aude

Today you will be reading about an outstanding young woman who is a pioneer for her community, who speaks openly and honestly about policies that affect communities countywide, statewide and nationwide. 

She is a game-changer, mover, doer, and shaker. Allow me to introduce you to 25-year-old Ebony Carter, who is a Democrat running for State Representative for District 110 here in Georgia. Ebony is from McDonough, GA and is a graduate of Georgia State University where she received dual degrees in Anthropology and Political Science. She was recently accepted into GSU’s Anthropology Graduate program for Fall 2020. 

Ebony has a wide range of interests that include politics, singing, dancing, reading, yoga, and binge-watching shows on Netflix.  She is also interested in improving Black Mental Health and civic engagement in her community. Ebony is a stunner! She is an inspiration for so many! She is the present and the future! 

So, let’s hop right into our conversation...

Q: What did your path look like before you decided to run for office?

A: I was just getting settled into my post-grad, working mom life.  I was getting used to not being in school while also taking care of a little one and still wanting to be active politically. 

Q: What and/or who inspired you to get started on your political path? 

A: My mother.  She always stressed the importance of civic engagement, whether through volunteer work or protests, to my sister and me. 

Q: What are your political platforms, positions, and/or core values throughout this campaign? 

A: I believe that all Georgians deserve three basic things: Healthcare, Education and Equity. No one should go broke because of their health. We should all have access to affordable healthcare, which should include dental, eye and mental health.  Education should also be affordable, but we should also have more options on how to attain education, which is why I want to introduce vocational certifications in high school teachings. Lastly, I would like to eliminate discriminatory social, environmental, health, educational and economic policies, and practices so that all Georgians can prosper.

Q: Why do you believe young women should be civically engaged? Please define civic engagement in your own words

A: Civic engagement is the uplifting of one’s community through volunteering, voting, service and other forms of leadership.  As young women, we have the ability to wield so much political power. Women around the world are kept from civic and political processes, so we have to take our power where we can. Millennials and Generation Z makes up two of the largest populations in the United States. If all of the eligible women voters in those two populations just voted, they would yield more political power than any other generation of women. Our ancestors fought so hard for us to be able just to vote, and we are able to do so much more. If that isn’t exciting, then I don’t know what is. 

Q: What are some ways young women can be civically engaged? 

A: They can work at the voting polls, start a non-profit to mentor young girls, volunteer to feed the homeless or to read to children, volunteer to work on a political campaign, intern at the capitol or in their mayor’s office, VOTE if they’re 18 and up, and so much more.

Q: What are some important things women should know about in terms of their vote and voice during the election process in both the presidential and local elections? 

A: Women make up the majority of this country.  If every eligible woman in this country voted, we could decide every national election and many state and local ones.  The only vote that doesn’t count is the one that isn’t cast. 

Q: Speaking of the presidential election, I would like to know what are your thoughts on the upcoming Democratic presidential candidates and what are you hoping to see?


Q: Before we end, what are some important dates during your campaign that the ladies should be made aware of and how can the women of this movement support you? 

A: My primary election is May 19, 2020, with early voting starting April 20th (pending changes due to COVID-19) and the general election is November 3, 2020.  You can volunteer or intern for the campaign, follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @Ebony4Georgia and to learn more about me and the campaign, go to

Q: Once you win the election do you see yourself getting more politically involved on the state and national levels? 

A: I will become more active on a state level as a democrat and do everything I can to reach the constituents in my district. I want to grow with my district. 

Q: What is one last thing that you would like to tell women pursuing politics, law, or a life of activism? 

A: DO IT. Even if you don’t have the experience, even if you’re not sure what to do.  Do it because you care. Do it because you want to help people. Just get it done baby girl. 

Here are Ebony’s last words for you all: 

“Be yourself girl.  You’re lovely, loving and loveable, and you know it” 

If you liked today’s read and would like to get in contact with Ebony and know more information about her campaign then please visit her website at, email her at and/or call her at 470-588-2203. Also, make sure to follow her on social media at @Ebony4Georgia

Please stay tuned to your local television programs and broadcast to receive valuable and reputable information on your state and local elections. Also, please visit to find out your state and local election offices. 

Ladies, I cannot stress enough that YOUR VOTE MATTERS! It is imperative that you get out and VOTE. We can change the face of this country just by being informed and using our voices collectively. If you want to know more information or to check your voter registration status, please head to or

Make sure to head on over to our Instagram to read some more valuable information in regards to voting, our right to vote, Ebony’s campaign, and so much more! 

If you or someone you may know is interested in sharing their story on our platform, please do not hesitate in reaching out to me via email at We are always looking to share more inspiring stories with women all over the globe! Until next time ladies!

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1 Comment

Carol Johnson
Mar 25, 2020

Loved this article and will support Miss Carter in her political future!


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